Act of kindness cheers school’s staff

February 24, 2022

Kirk Fenton Primary School received a surprise from local firm RJC Plant Services on Random Act of Kindness Day.

As a thank you for their hard work throughout the pandemic, the firm, having organised with the school’s head Karen Williams, delivered afternoon tea and cakes to the unsuspecting teachers and support staff. Mrs Williams said: “When RJC approached me with the idea of doing something for the staff I was absolutely delighted! My team have worked incredibly hard over the last few years, as have many in teaching, and having this recognition and thank you was a wonderful and unexpected surprise. I knew that team would really appreciate the gesture.”

RJC Plant Services was founded by Chris Jackson and John Harrison in 2013. It provides grab hire, tipper hire and muck away services and has a reputation for giving back to the local community with regular comity and charity work. On last year’s Random Act of Kindness Day, they delivered 50 afternoon teas to elderly residents, raising thousands of pounds for charities. They also delivered 1,000 meals to two local dog rescue centres. Chris said: “This year has been another challenging one for many businesses, with uncertainty around lockdowns, restrictions and new Covid variants. However, as a team we have continued to grow and develop the business, working together to provide essential services to local authorities and businesses. “Alongside our plans to expand the business, we’re committed to continuing to help those in need and making a difference to our local community.”

Chris Jackson (left) and John Harrison (right) with staff from Kirk Fenton Primary School. (24-02-425 SU).

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